Self-Care Tips to Relieve Stress
Stress is a natural part of human life and it is what happens when we respond to new or challenging situations. It’s how we as individuals cope with this and how it can affect our health, both physical or emotional. One of the stress hormones released when we are stressed is
How often should I have a Massage?
One of the most often asked questions by a new client is “How often should I have a massage?” My go to answer is “My accountant reckons at least every Monday, Thursday and every 3rd Saturday!” If you are being treated for an injury, we will always recommend when we
Remedial Massage & Headaches
Tension headaches are generally a mild to moderate pain, that can feel like a tightness that creates tension around the head. Surprisingly, its causes still aren’t well understood, but thankfully they are mostly manageable. Tension headaches are said to affect 21% of the population and they can last anywhere from
Remedial Massage & Chronic Disease
What is Chronic Disease? Chronic diseases are long lasting conditions with ongoing effects, and more and more Australians are being diagnosed with what are described as ‘Lifestyle Diseases’. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) have reported that many people diagnosed with a chronic condition have multimorbidity – the presence
Therapeutic or Remedial Massage
In the last blog post we briefly discussed the different massage types available very generally, but what are the benefits of each? A Therapeutic (Swedish) Massage Hot Stone Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Thai Massage, etc. can assist to bring about a lowering of your heart rate and your stress levels, increase
What type of Massage do I need?
There is a common misunderstanding by the general population when the term ‘massage’ is used. A lot of people tend to relate the term with Therapeutic or Swedish Massage and are not familiar with Remedial or Sports Massage. We will define these individual types of treatment, so you can make an
Sleep and Remedial Massage
How long do we need to sleep for? Sleep is our body’s way of repairing and recovering from the rigours we put it through every day, and just as we are all different, our sleep requirements also differ from individual to individual. Some people require six hours – where as
Frozen Shoulder
What IS a Frozen Shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis and how does it develop? Adhesive capsulitis or ‘Frozen Shoulder’ is a potentially debilitating condition that affects the shoulder joint. Commonly occurring due to an immobilisation of the arm or shoulder joint, the condition can become debilitating. Inflammation can occur following an
Are You Ready for Your Winter Sports?
Netball, Rugby League, Trail Running, Australian Rules, Soccer . . . Whatever your chosen winter sport is, it is time to make sure you are fit for the field. If you carry any untreated injuries from your summer activities and plan to get straight into it, you should think twice
Resetting for 2022
Now Christmas is done and dusted, and New Year celebrations have been and gone. The kids are back at school, and life is returning to some kind of ‘NORMAL‘ Whatever that is in 2022!Many of us have decided to start the new year with some resolutions to change what we don’t
Low back pain & your pelvis
Your pelvis has several components – the Ilium, the Ischium, the Pubic bone and the sacrum. As you can see in the diagram opposite, these are all connected. In Osteopathic terms, the Ilium, Ischium & pubis bones after they fuse are referred to as the ‘Innominates’. The left and right innominates, therefore,
Your Shoulders and Pain
The shoulder joint is classified as a ‘Ball & Socket’ joint which is the same classification as the hip joint, but with one distinct difference. The hip joint consists of a bony ball (the head of the femur) and a bony socket (the Acetabulum of the pelvis). The shoulder on
What causes headaches?
Headaches are one of the most common health complaints in Australia with more than 15% of people taking medication to relieve related symptoms at any one time. Headaches can affect anyone but are most commonly reported in individuals aged between 25 and 44 years old. (Source – There are
Why do we give you Corrective Exercises?
Have you ever been asked by your treating therapist to do a particular stretch or exercise after your session as a “do-at-home” activity? One of the first questions I will ask a new client when they tell me that they have seen a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Exercise Physiologist is, “Did
The Power of Touch
Touch is such a powerful sensation that human beings are gifted with. It is an integral part of our motor-sensory system and gives us tactile information about the world around us. Whether it’s our environment, initiated by loved ones or via physical therapies – touch has the ability to drastically
What is a Remedial Massage
After more than 30 years in the Allied Health sector I still get asked “Can I have a Remedial Massage?” When I enquire as to what the issue is, the most common reply is “Oh, nothing. You need to know about. I just want a remedial massage.” According to Oxford English
Why should I stretch?
Since COVID-19 still has many people working from home, it’s especially important to maintain a healthy posture while sitting at your home office or your kitchen table! One way to help prevent an aching back or neck is to take some regular breaks to simply stretch and these need only
Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow
These conditions cause pain around the elbow area that can be an annoying and debilitating injury to manage. Tennis elbow – lateral epicondylitis – creates pain on the outside of your elbow and is an inflammatory response to the overuse of muscles and tendons in your forearm that extend your
What does “Referred Pain” mean?
Referred pain is pain perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus/ origin. It is the result of a network of interconnecting sensory nerves, that supplies many different tissues. (Ref: There are many theories as to why this occurs, but the important thing as a clinician
Knee Pain
Most of us have experienced knee pain to some degree, be it small twinges or chronic aches, and knee pain can be triggered by many different causes such as: Impact injuries to the knee joint itself in falls, collisions or other accidents Problems with your feet and ankle joints A
Shin Splints
Shin splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) are a very common injury in those who are regular runners, ballet dancers, basketball players or those who may have recently increased their training regime, added hills or even changed to new or different footwear. The signs and symptoms of shin splints include pain
Rigid Tape V’s Kinesio Tape
I am often asked what the difference between Rigid Strapping tape and Kinesiology Tape is, and which you should use depending on need. As a general rule of thumb, rigid strapping tape is used to give support to a joint and this is what you generally see on athletes involved in
ITB Pain
If you are a runner and you have experienced pain around the outside of your knee, chances are you were told by an expert “you must stretch your ITB!” Why? . . . . The ITB (Ilio-Tibial Band) is a very strong length of connective tissue that is designed to stabilise the lateral
RICE, MICE or PRICE? Whenever we see a sports injury in the clinic we always ask if they used ice in the initial stages of the management of the injury. Often the reply is “I’m not sure whether to use ice or heat”? There has been ongoing research and discussions
Remedial Massage Therapy
A Remedial Massage is targeted at resolving a problem that is associated with pain or dysfunction, hence the term Remedial. This may be due to an injury, over training, bad posture or as part of an ongoing maintenance programme. This type of therapy may also include many other techniques such as